Author Archives: Safer Future Youth Development Programme


SFYDP owns a 0.2 acre land in Lower Allen Town, Freetown and 31 acres(12.54 hectares) land at Nyangbatown, Koya rural District. The land at Lower Allentown provides space for a Youth Vocational Institute, a Junior and secondary school, an administrative office and a Computer Centre.
Headquarters  buildingsnight  img_0897
Nyangbatown accommodates the Rural Electronics Workshop (Competence Centre for Renewable Energy), A farm, farmhouse, dormitories, kitchen and classrooms.
main building, dormitories and the kitchen are equipped with solar light systems, which were installed by the students of the Rural Electronics Workshop  Competence Centre for Renewable Energy (CCRE).
Safer Future Farm - CCRE


Safer Cars

Toyota Hilux, donated by MIVA
Nissan Cabstar