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How to apply? PDF Print E-mail Philosophy PDF Print E-mail
Applications with letter of motivation, detailed CV and The philosophy of this programme is to improve the
filled Application Form (see below) shall be sent lives of the marginalized and deprived youth by
electronically and in English Language to the following providing free education in different technical and
address: skills. This training shall enable the students application@saferfuture.org upkeep themselves and additionally contribute to office@saferfuture.org reconstruct the struggling economic and social conditions.
All applicants are notified after receiving their Furthermore the SFYDP strives to develop and
applications. The selection process includes a maintain the infrastructures in rural and remote areas
face-to-face interview with either the programme through introducing alternative energy sources,
management in Lower Allen Town or the overseas mainly solar energy, providing life skills training in
coordination group in Vienna/Austria. secluded communities and improving the water
Please make sure to include the following situation by implementing rainwater harvesting
information in the application systems, constructing repairing water wells. situation by implementing rainwater harvesting
Please make sure to include the following information systems, constructing and repairing water wells.
in the application Sensitization and implementation of community
a. Proposed period of service based care-taking committees shall guarantee
b. Objective of service with AFYDP proper handling and for this reason the best
c. Ideas and possible own contribution to the possible life duration.
development to the programme Since 1993 the SFYDP has established various
d. Working hours per week programmes successfully and became known for
e. Necessary preparations such as tools and the remarkable impacts in youth training and rural
materails to be undertaken by the volunteer development all over the country. Its membership is
open to all willing and desirous persons wishing to
assist on these efforts.
Junior Secondary School PDF Print E-mail Education & Training PDF Print E-mail
In 2008 the Safer Future Youth Development Programme Under the consideration of local knowledge the
opened its own Junior Secondary School to enrich the Safer Future Youth Development Programme
education facilities in Allen Town. tries to reduce the high youth unemployment
through training in life skills referring to the claims
of every day life in Sierra Leone. It also aims at
providing improved, quality and reasonable
academic Education at secondary level.
Additionally premium is given to young people
who are encouraged and motivated to establish
themselves in their origin areas to prevent the
rural provinces from brain drain and dying out.
Please click on the links on the left side to find out
more about our educational and training
Competence Centre for Renewable Energies Information & Criteria PDF Print E-mail
(CCRE) PDF Print E-mail Volunteers at the Safer Future Youth Development
As one suffers an insufficient and unreliable energy Project
supply as well as a growing dependency on fossil The SFYDP began its voluntary service program as
energy resources in Sierra Leone, an alternative way early as 1993. Local but also international
to provide energy, a main key in development is volunteers are welcome to serve for a period
necessary. of at least 3 months with the programme.
Who can service as a Volunteer
Therefore Safer Future with the support of the Safer Future is also liable to host AlternativeAustrian government was able to about to establish a service Volunteers from Austria (Auslandsdienst “Competence Centre for Renewable Energies”, also Ersatz fuer Zivildienst) under a programma kind of research and education centre to identify implemented by the Frastanz Parish and develop locally adopted applications of renewable energy (Pfarr Franstz)sources to realize an independent, decentralized and clean energy supply.Since its inception,over……… young people has been trained
from different countries in the design and installation, Educated Male and Female volunteers can apply for
of solar systems. The CCRE supports the use of the
application and dissemination of such technologies voluntary service on the following terms
including Solar Photovoltaic and Biomass/Biogas. Completion of a technical education or university
The 9 months training which is based on the former course
“Rural Electronics Workshop (REW)” in Nyangba Town, Preferred subjects: Information Technology,
Koya Rural District, will start in September 2007. Intermedia; Agriculture; Renewable Energy/Solar, etc;
Actually Safer Future is enlarging the training centre Biology; Engineering; etc.
at Nyangba Town in constructing additional student Experience with international cooperation and
and staff dormitories (see pictures below). Beside knowledge about developmental programmes such
this activity the teaching staff has already begun as water/sanitation, social work, health, advocacy,
researches in the field of Biomass/Biogas and started project management, etc are highly desirable.
a test biogas – tank fed with pig waste (see pictures Administrative/Management skills
below). Willingness to live under simple conditions and make
What is expected from a volunteer at SFYDP
During theory class To comply with all agreements
To give a written monthly report to the Administrative
service, SFYDP Management: (Executive Director,
Programme Manager, Administrative Officer,
Project Officers) and the Overseas Coordinator. The
report shall comprise of information about the
volunteer’s own activities undertaken: (Result:
achievements, challenges and recommendation), observations
and plans for the forth coming month.
To be flexible and adaptable to changing work
To be proactive and complimentary
Accommodation and Feeding:
Accommodation and feeding is offered by SFYDP
customary to the situation of Sierra Leone
Alternative Service volunteers receive an additional
monetary token by Frastanz Parish.
Transportation and Insurance:
SFYDP is not in the position to cater for travel and
insurance cost for the volunteers. Alternative service
volunteers receive reimbursement of their costs for
travel and medication after completion of service,
other volunteers have to care for own insurance and
travel costs.
Insurance covering medication costs in Sierra Leone
as well as emergency evacuation costs are
compulsory for all international volunteers.
Hair dressing Department (Cosmetology)
War Child
Sunshine Fellowship