Project Activities

Focus on Rural Development

img_0152People living in a developing country like Sierra Leone, which remains heavily  affected by the destructions of the war, lack not only of poor education and insufficient work, but mostly suffer from bad water supply, insufficient sanitation and poor health care. Safer Future strives to help the marginalised and deprived rural poor to improve the living conditions in the rural areas by (re-)creating the necessary infrastructure and also by training community inhabitants in repairing and maintaining the facilities.
Furthermore, sensitisation and the implementation of community based care-taking committees shall guarantee proper handling and for this reason the best possible life duration.

With theafrikasl0864 introduction of alternate energy sources in Sierra Leone, the Safer Future Youth Development Project aims to create a non-polluting, long lasting way of providing power through solar energy, which is affordable for even the poorest people.For the rural population who are mostly farmers, it is difficult to gain enough money for the education of their children or for covering the costs in case medical treatment is needed. Training in soap making and Gara Tye, as well as equipping them with basic tools, as is the aim Safer Future, gives the possibility to deal with the rising costs.

For each of the different fields, there are specially trained staff members within the Youth Development Project.