Installation and Repairs – Solar Powered Lighting and Refrigeration Systems


SFYDP continues to enjoy its partnership with UNICEF in the areas of training, installation and repairs of solar lighting and refrigeration systems in Peripheral Health Units(PHUs) and communities

Through funds provided by UNICEF in 2006/2007 SFYDP was able to train 10 district operation officers of the District Health Management Team(DHMT)/Ministry Of Health and Sanitation(MOHS) on installation, repair and maintenance of photovoltaic refrigerators in Bo, Kailahun, Pujehun, Bonthe, Moyamba, Kenema and Western Area Districts

In 2008 SFYDP implemented the project title: Support to enhance Cold Chain and Vaccine management for Child survival and safe motherhood, training 26 District Health Management Team (DHMT) solar refrigerator vaccine technicians and 710 Peripheral Health Units(PHU) personnel in their district of operations and provided user’s training manuals to solar vaccine refrigerator systems technicians

In 2010 “Provision of support to solar evaluation and refreshers’ training in 13 districts”

In 2011 Repaired wells and installed solar submersible pumps in 5 BeMONC in Port Loko district

In 2012 Installation of solar submersible pumps in BeMONC

With funds from UNICEF, our solar engineers trained Ten (10) staff of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation as District solar Technicians on the Installation, Maintenance and Repair of solar powered vaccines refrigeration systems for rural health facilities in the Eastern and Southern region of the country. We also installed and repair solar vaccine refrigerator systems in over 500 PHUs in the country.

Concern Worldwide

Concern Worldwide provided funding for the solar electrification of PHUs in Tonkolili district.


